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VR Surgery Simulator demonstration. How to install on your headset.
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How to Use Ghost Medical VR Surgical Simulations

This guide will get your VR headset ready for VR surgery.
Help: Ghost Medical VR Surgery Simulations

Using Your Own Headset

Wraith VR Oculus Headset


How-to Guide: Loading Ghost Medical VR Surgeries on your own headset
Setting up a Ghost Medical VR Headset
Wraith-VR Demo Kit: Ghost VR Headset Video Instructions
Clear a Play Area
Draw Guardian
Power it Up
Controller Batteries
Enlarge the Head Strap
Tighten the Strap
If you Wear Glasses
If it looks blurry
Adjust the Fit
Clean the Lenses
Adjust the IPD
Joining other Users
Enabling WiFi
Access Main Menu
Select WiFi Menu
Login to a Known WiFi Network
Book a Meeting with a Ghost Representative in VR

How-to Guide: Loading Ghost Medical VR Surgeries on your Own Headset

Time needed: 2 minutes.
How to download Ghost Medical VR applications

1. Download the Ghost VRSE II Application on Your Quest Compatible VR Headset

Available for free at the Meta Quest app store.

VR Surgery Oculus Quest Simulator App PreviewGhost Medical Our Process Surgical Simulation MVP Release Phase - Wraith FAQ

Ghost VRSE II for Quest 2

Download the newest version of our multiuser surgical simulator for Quest 2Made using Wraith-VR

Wraith VR Knee Surgery Simulator for Oculus Quest Wraith VR Knee Surgery Oculus Quest Surgical Simulation Preview

Wraith-VR Total Knee for PCVR

Download Total Knee Replacement Surgery Simulation for PCVR

2. Launch Ghost VRSE II in Your Quest Headset

It should be right on your main application right next to the last game you downloaded.

Ghost VRSE App icon for vr surgery simulatorselect vrse surgery simulator app on the vr headset

There is a button on each of your wrists right where you might find a wristwatch in the real world.

3. Press the button on your virtual wrist to launch the Wraith-VR tablet

vr imagery - Press button on wristwatch to launch tablet

4. Press the Navigation Button on the Tablet

This will bring up a list of surgical simulations that you can launch.

Head to navigation menu

5. Select a Surgery from the List on the Left & Press LAUNCH

Some surgical VR experiences require that you register on our website or be invited by an authorized trainer to access. New VR surgeries are being released all the time so check back often to see what’s new.

select the surgery simulator game from the list to launch

6. Press the “ENTER OR” Button

You’ll teleport into the operating room and be slicing and dicing virtual patients left and right.

select the Enter OR realm button to launch the game

Setting Up a Ghost Medical VR Headset

Wraith-VR Demo Kit: Ghost VR Headset Video Instructions

Do you like movies? So do we. We like them so much we make them for a living and reading is for chumps. This flick will have you rocking your VR headset in less than 3 minutes or the pizza is free.

1. Clear a Play Area

To ensure you don’t trip over anything, be sure to clear a well lit area approximately 6’ x 6’ for moving around in the virtual space.

Define your Virtual reality play area and clean it

2. Draw Guardian

The first thing the headset will do when you power it up and place it on your head is to draw a guardian grid around your play area. This will help keep you safe by alerting you if should you ever begin to wander out of your safe play area.

draw a safe boundary with your vr controllers around your assumed play area

3. Power It Up

Press the power button for 3 seconds. It should make a chime and you should see an oval logo in the headset as it boots. Our VR headsets are shipped charged and ready to use and can be run for ~2 hours of continual use before needing to be charged

how to power up your vr headset. press the round rectangular button on the side.

4. Charging

All of our VR headsets can be charged using the provided USB-C power cable.

How to charge your VR Headset? plug it into the side of the device

5. Controller Batteries

Controllers use AA batteries that only need replacement every 50 hours of use. The headset will tell you when they need to be replaced

what type of batteries do you need for VR controllers? make sure they are applicable

6. Enlarge the Head Strap

Extend the headset to its largest size by turning the knob in the back counter-clockwise

Adjust the vr headset accordingly

7. Tighten the Strap

Pull the rear strap down and tighten so that the headset is snug but comfortable by turning the knob clockwise

use the back control to tighten the headstrap.

- If you Wear Glasses

Install the glasses extender to make room for your corrective lenses

How to put on a VR Headset if you have glasses? Install the glass extender for corrective lenses

- If it Looks Blurry

The view inside your headset should be crystal clear. If you notice any blurring or double vision, something is wrong and likely one of these methods below will resolve the issue.

8. Adjust the Fit

Try to position the headset up and down, tighten to ensure the lenses are directly in front of your eyes.

use the back control to tighten the headstrap.

9. Clean the Lenses

Be careful to not allow the lenses to come into contact with your forehead when placing it on your head. Use the included microfiber cloth to clean the lenses by wiping in a circular motion until clean.
Double-Vision is likely due to having the wrong inter-pupillary distance (IPD) setting. There are 3 different settings to choose. Try moving the lenses inside the headset closer or further apart until the view is perfect. Adjust the IPD.

the importance of cleaning VR Headset lenses results in better vision when in use.adjust the Headset IPD Settings for optimal use.

Joining Other Users

To join others in the virtual surgery using our exclusive Wraithmatrix remote network, you must connect your headset to your local WiFi network.

Enabling WiFi

1. Access Main Menu

With the headset turned on, press the Menu Button on the right controller to bring up the Main Menu.

Access the main menu by pressing the main menu button on the right controller.

2. Select WiFi Menu

Select the WIFI icon to open the list of available WIFI networks

select wifi icon to open a list of available networks that you can use for your virtual reality endeavors

3. Login to a Known WiFi Network

Select a network you use and log in using your Username and Password.

a list of wifi networks

Book a Meeting with a Ghost Representative in VR

Explore Ghost and learn how our expertise, services, and dedication to our clients can help you achieve your goals. You can even have a virtual consultation with a representative from Ghost by simply scheduling a meeting with us.Book a meeting with us at
or give us a call at 651-633-1163

demonstration on how to open your surgical simulations

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Ghost Medical is an award-winning leader in medical visualization, specializing in custom medical animation, medical marketing services, and surgical training solutions. We provide a comprehensive range of digital services designed to elevate medical marketing, enhance patient communication, and streamline staff training. With a team of highly skilled professionals and deep expertise in biomedical processes, we ensure precise and impactful representations of your device, product, or procedure through 3D animations, medical illustration, and other dynamic media formats. Contact Ghost Medical today to discover how we can help you train surgeons, boost medical device sales, or effectively communicate your pharmaceutical innovations.

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