Ghost Productions Medical Animation studio produced this medical device marketing piece for NuVasive to highlight their Simplify Cervical Disc device.
Simplify Cervical Artificial Disc has a three-piece design with two endplates and a semi-constrained mobile core. This design permits 12° flexion/extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. The unique articulation, which allows variable center of rotation, was designed to restore motion.
The Simplify Cervical Disc is part of the NuVasive C360™ portfolio, which offers comprehensive, procedurally integrated solutions for the cervical spine across ACDF, posterior cervical fusion, and cTDR procedures. The device is designed with key performance functions that include a radiologic design, anatomic disc heights, and physiologic motion. Overall, the Simplify Cervical Disc demonstrates clinical superiority to ACDF3 and has the highest overall clinical success rate compared to any other approved cervical disc at both one- and two-levels. It is one of three devices approved for use in two-level cTDR procedures.
Simplify Cervical Disc has the highest overall clinical success rate for both 1 and 2-levels compared to any approved cervical disc.
Ghost Medical is an award-winning leader in medical visualization, specializing in custom medical animation, medical marketing services, and surgical training solutions. We provide a comprehensive range of digital services designed to elevate medical marketing, enhance patient communication, and streamline staff training. With a team of highly skilled professionals and deep expertise in biomedical processes, we ensure precise and impactful representations of your device, product, or procedure through 3D animations, medical illustration, and other dynamic media formats. Contact Ghost Medical today to discover how we can help you train surgeons, boost medical device sales, or effectively communicate your pharmaceutical innovations.
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